‘The only artistic effect I strive for is to vitalize the rhythmic relationships in the proportion.’ W.N.

This book is dedicated to the Swedish silversmith Karl Edvin Nilsson (1897–1974),
more commonly known as Wiwen Nilsson.
more commonly known as Wiwen Nilsson.
During his lifetime, Wiwen Nilsson was an accomplished designer of silverware and jewelry, while also maintaining a sculptural practice.

‘... the fewer shapes one works with, the harder it is to find balance. Two shapes are hard, one shape is harder. ...
The slightest shift, and everything becomes meaningless.’

‘The cross is the simplest and, at the same time,
the most powerful dynamic expression I know. Nothing of unnecessary, ornamental load; but passionate and full of character.’
the most powerful dynamic expression I know. Nothing of unnecessary, ornamental load; but passionate and full of character.’